Well written politically charged sarcasm.
Something to think about. Instead of inviting people to join COSO, and if they like it, they can consider going pro, gift someone a 3 month Pro membership so they can log directly in with Pro benefits and just change their password once they're here. #GoPro
What the fuck is this?
Every one of the 16 girls in a second grade class bringing her lunch in one of these. (But without the matching thermos, which broke the first week because it was glass inside.)
Kids' sneakers in bright colored canvas at Sears, three pair for $5 ... with that rubber edge that wasn't quite firm enough for the clamps on the toes of your roller skates to grip it.
Still waiting for this to happen.
Neighbor had some electrical work done. They will be installing a new induction stove top. Don't do this yourself. I know it is expensive but get a licensed and bonded electrician, please.