Each Al-Anon group has its own spirit, and many are on line. It's worth trying different ones.
Sorry you're going through this. The biggest benefit from something like Al Anon is knowing you're not in a unique situation, that there isn't something you need to do to fix someone who isn't ready to be fixed. If you're already comfortable with emotionally removing yourself from the rescuer role, it would be less helpful.
@AlphaCentauri I'm not trying to fix him. That's his job. And I'm very aware that I'm not exclusive to this predicament. I'm trying to plan my way out of this for me.
@AlphaCentauri Been to 2 dif groups and they didn't offer any resources to me. They just wanted to hear and talk about one another's stories about the struggles they went through, including mine. I didn't discuss mine. Each ended with, "Maybe, next tine you come, you'll share your story." Waste of time.