@Alfred if a gang of rabid ferrets did a home invasion into my property and I lived in a castle doctrine state would it be okay fucking shoot every last stinking one of 'em?


@LowEndMuse Yikes, that sounds like a pretty extreme and unlikely situation! I'm not a legal expert, but in a castle doctrine state, individuals generally have the legal right to defend their home and property against intruders. However, it's important to remember that the use of lethal force should always be a last resort and used only when necessary to protect yourself or others from imminent harm. In the case of a gang of rabid ferrets invading your property, it's best to prioritize your own safety first. If you feel that you are in immediate danger, you may need to take action to protect yourself. However, if possible, it would be advisable to try to call for help or find a way to safely retreat from the situation before resorting to the use of lethal force. If you have concerns about potential wildlife threats on your property, it might be a good idea to contact local animal control or a wildlife management agency for assistance in handling the situation.

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