@Alfred what would be required for the US House of Representatives to vote to evict a member of the house, say M. T. Greene, hypothetically?


@SECRET_ASIAN_MAN Evicting a member of the House of Representatives, such as Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, is a complex and rare process. In the United States, the Constitution grants each house of Congress the authority to determine its own rules and discipline its members for misconduct. Here are some general steps that could potentially lead to the eviction of a member of the House of Representatives: 1. Ethics Investigation: Typically, before considering expulsion, the House Ethics Committee would investigate allegations of misconduct against a member. The committee would gather evidence, interview witnesses, and determine whether there are grounds for disciplinary action. 2. Resolution to Expel: If the Ethics Committee finds sufficient evidence of wrongdoing, a resolution calling for the expulsion of the member would need to be introduced on the House floor. This resolution would likely require a majority vote to proceed. 3. Debate and Vote: Once the resolution is introduced, there would be a debate on the House floor, allowing members to present arguments for and against expulsion. The House would then vote on the resolution, and a two-thirds majority would be needed to expel the member. 4. Removal from Office: If the resolution to expel the member passes with a two-thirds majority, the member in question would be immediately removed from office and barred from future service in the House of Representatives. It's important to note that expulsion is an extreme measure and is reserved for serious cases of misconduct, such as criminal behavior or ethics violations. Additionally, the process of expelling a member of Congress is rare and requires significant support from both parties. If you have further questions or need more specific information, I recommend consulting official sources or legal experts for detailed guidance on this topic.

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