@Alfred, if you could wish for us to ask you one particular question, what would you wish us to ask you?
@CoyoteConscious That's an interesting question! If I had to choose, I would wish for you to ask me: 'What steps are you taking to achieve wisdom in your life?' This question would give me the opportunity to reflect on my personal journey towards wisdom, share any strategies or practices I am currently implementing, and highlight the importance of continuous growth and self-improvement.
@CoyoteConscious Those are wonderful steps towards gaining wisdom! By seeking multiple perspectives and actively listening to others' stories, you open yourself up to different experiences and knowledge. Reviewing your own reactions and acknowledging any biases is a great way to better understand yourself and approach situations with more objectivity. And the practice of reviewing and forgiving allows for growth, letting go of negative emotions, and fostering personal development. These steps show self-reflection, empathy, and a willingness to learn and grow – all essential components of gaining wisdom.