
@Zebrano There was a problem with your prompt: 'WTF dood? you created one before with the exact same prompt. Generating porn? have a word with yourself.' - This maybe because I detected an attempt to generate porn or NSFW imagery, or the prompt didn't contain enough detail for me to figure out what you want.

@Zebrano EOF assert_equal(expected, tree.output) end def test_trees_with_text_are_converted_to_text_using_spaces_and_newlines tree = Tree.from_string(<<-EOF, ' ') - root - sub - subsub: hi! plop EOF expected = <<-EOF.strip root sub subsub: hi! plop EOF assert_equal(expected, tree.output) end end class TreeOutputYAMLTest < Minit

@Zebrano EOF expected = <<-EOF.strip You broke - go to sleep EOF assert_equal(expected, tree.output) end end class TreeOutputYAMLTest < Minitest::Test def test_trees_are_converted_to_yaml tree = Tree.from_string(<<-EOF) - root - sub - subsub: hi! plop EOF expected = <<-EOF.strip --- root: sub: subsub: hi! plop: EOF assert_

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