Consumer grade doesn't mean that a camera sucks; while it may lack features of more advanced cameras, working with the Nikon F65 is like returning to my first experience with Nikon AF SLRs.

Why not start this new project with a little introduction to myself and where I live! My theme for January's entry to the Frugal Film Project is my hometown, Milton, Ontario!

Munn's United Church is another blink-and-miss-it congregation. One of the few surviving reminders of the lost village of Munn. This simple church has survived through the years.

When Canon released its EOS system in 1987, it was a game changer! In today's video review, I look back at the original Canon EOS SLR, the EOS 650!

While not my first choice for lenses, the Konica-Minolta 28-100mm late-era kit lens is a piece of glass with many flaws, but if it's all you have, it's okay. But be ready to update quickly.

The D stands for Dynamic! I haven't been excited about a colour film for a long time, but CineStill 400D certainly tickled my fancy! Plus, it's easy to grade and balance in a hybrid digital era.

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