Tried to capture both of what appears to be a mated pair of Cardinals that come to the feeder..
They normally camp out in the lilac bush to make sure the cause is clear...
He is much braver most of the time, and she usually watches from the safety of the bush...
Hope you can make him out... He's pretty tucked into the bush today...
@InvaderGzim PS She looks almost like a cedar waxwing with those markings. "She's a beaut, Clark!"
Well, dang... Never heard of that species before... But you're right, I'll need to pay closer attention when I see it next!
Always assumed, since they normally come together...
@InvaderGzim I'm pretty sure she's a female cardinal. Its just that female cardinals have some of the markings that cedar waxwings do. If she's usually with the male, you can bet its a cardinal, though. The mated pairs don't often stray too far from one another.
@InvaderGzim Hmm I'm not aware of a difference in tail length between the sexes. Maybe he's just missing a few feathers from a run in with a hawk or something.