#Kherson: Ukrainian defenders finally have a long-awaited meeting with their families after liberating the region.
Anyone else got sweaty eyeballs?
Well I just went PRO.
No ads, bots or trolls & so many good #Cosonauts.
Best $5 I spent in a long time.
Thank You @th3j35t3r for all the hard work to build this and keeping the lights on during the influx of new people, plus dealing with the DDoS attacks.
Guys/Girls if you spend a fair amount of time on here & you can afford it, please go Pro or Donate to support #CoSo
Well, I went #CoSoPro. This place is pretty cool.
Also if you’re not paying for the product they will make YOU the product.
No shame to those who don’t/can’t support financially. Being cool as hell is a contribution.
Hey #CoSoTips, question. I'd like to keep the Community firehose but split off #CoSoMusic into it's own list. I know how to do the list for #CoSoMusic, but I'm not sure how to do "Everything but a hashtag". Is there a way to do this?
I for one am just glad I’ll stop getting all those texts and mailers.
Refs pulled a total screw job on the Bears. That was so much PI. #CoSoFootball #BearDown
One of the things I like about #CoSo right now is that it feels like the early days before ubiquitous internet. I feel like dialing into a BBS on my 1200baud modem and going to the boards. Less noise, advertisements, AI-curated content being blasted to you in order to keep you hooked.
I can do without all of that.
Professional computer nerd. Pretty much an amateur at everything else.
#DemSoc #antifascist #craftbeer #ChicagoBears #Videogames #Geekery