
The first friend I made after coming out was a transwoman. She was brutally murdered two years later.

@ADignorantium Such a sad situation for both of these women. I wrote an article about their murder a while back and it was all just so senseless. Murdered just for being different.

@awnaves Truly.
Murder was bad enough. The violent nature of it made me sick to my stomach. It's seared in my memory.

@ADignorantium I think my high tolerance for ppl who don't match the "normal" person standard of society is because I earnestly did my job without undue bias when I was a beat cop in the late 70's, mid 80's. I had contact with the LGBQT crowd back then, and even despite my laughter after I got through interacting with them and was driving away, I still learned. I think the big problem is that people have no experience with ppl outside their comfort zone.

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