Ohai @Nat12564 - this sure is original. Nobody ever thought of joining the app, trying to cause as much friction as possible then leaving a shitty one-star review on the app store. Bravo!
@Nat12564 So mad they had reasoned responses to their buffoonery - they had to do it twice with slight modifications 😂
^^^ Yep. They super mad. They're on and review-update mega-fest. Third update: I'm a 'disableist' now. FTR - 'Nat' can be a male or female name and I didn't want to jump to any conclusions, especially given the account's bio and pinned post. Because you *KNOW* that would have been wrong too. I was referring to the account.
Looks like it's been mad for over 14 hours now - 'This website was full of Zionists.' It's talking about COSO.
Seems *totally* coherent too!! /s
@Anouk @th3j35t3r Well two (or more) can play that game. Just edited my review to address it and upvoted a bunch of positive reviews as well.