@misslovelymess Every year is a rabbit year in our household 😏 but Violet is pleased that the rest of the world is celebrating with us 💜🐰💜 I hope this year brings you health, wealth, and happiness!
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Someone is very upset I have to work and we didn’t have any Saturday cuddle time in bed.
“But it’s Saturday Moms. You no work on Saturday.”
@peter_by_the_sea There's nothing quite like a bunny tail 😍
Violet is ready to try surfing but I'm not convinced it's her sport...
#aDailyViolet #rabbitsofCoSo #SurferGirl
The jury is still out as to who's winning - me or the random piles of stuff on my desk. The Feline Overlord is doing his part as a paper weight. #workfromhome #CatsofCoSo
@Zotaeyr Thanks, furriend! I'm working hard 💪
Violet is getting back to work!
#aDailyViolet #rabbitsofCoSo #bunstruction
Artist, photographer, maker, podcaster (she/her) and human employee of Violet the Boss Bun