
I know I haven't posted one lately, but some might want a refresher, some might be new to it.

Use a password manager.

Most account compromises occur because a username/password combination was lifted off one breach and tried (successfully) on another site.

A pwd manager mitigates this because it can generate a unique password for each site and stores it so you don't have to remember hundreds of passwords: just 2. One for your computer, one for your pwd manager.



Also, update all of your passwords after adding the old ones.

The one I went with isn't very good at changing the password for you so I went through one day and did all of mine. Took hours but it's worth doing.

Don't wait until you get the alert from @CoSoGuard.


here's an easy way to audit...if you know what *any* of your passwords're doing it wrong...

@opie @0x56 Then my dad is golden πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Narrator: This is *not* the case.

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