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Something wish to get off my chest. Kinda feel after interacting for a few years here, people would know I work in healthcare (bonus points if you remember urban trauma center.)

This year has been difficult for all of us, but those of us in the hospitals have really been thru...a lot.

So when some enter my mentions assuming no knowledge, or no suffering from COVID, or claim minimizing the situation I’m at the point of assuming you mean harm or can’t control self and don’t have space for it.

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“If you are referring to the incident with the dragon, I was barely involved.”

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Don't you call me a mindless philosopher you overweight glob of grease, now get out of there before someone sees you.

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Lifetime nerd, Medical Laboratory Scientist, animal person, miss the internet when there were less mean people. Glad to be here.

After ten years, the French lilacs I bought as a pencil-sized twig is finally going to bloom.

Update on Montera ‘Mint’

More chlorophyll, plus see green veins on previous leaf. Not curling anymore either. Those curled leaves are just an artifact from being in TC bags.

And then into a warm place with bright light. No direct sunlight or you will cook a plant. I use my grow tent (which is bursting at the seams).

I’ll probably leave this for a week. Then start cracking the lid for longer over another week.

Need to gradually acclimate TC plants out of 100% humidity. So I use these plastic parfait cups.

Pot up in a small clear container so you can watch root development. This is a 2 inch pot at top. Growing medium is a mix of coco peat and perlite.

Inspect root system for more mush. I don’t feel any, but notice there is another activated growth point/shoot forming. This is common with TC plants. Sometimes multiplication hormone takes a bit to clear. May get a second plant with this one.

Pull off or cut with sterile instrument anything mushy. So those bottom three leaves gotta go. Then soak in warm water for a few minutes, agitating gently to see if any more gel releases.

Probably should have said first thing is to wash your hands, then cut bag upen. Use fingers to gently pull plant out of bag. Spray off vigorously with warm water and kitchen sprayer. Want ALL that gel off.

Come transition a tissue culture plantlet with me!

I’m worried about the one I’ve labeled D. So it’s the first of these Thai Cons I’m going to unflask. Not enough air and vegetation in gel, which will rot.

I just remember when I was going through the process to get solar, they warned it was almost as expensive as new install to take on and off.

Well phooey. My roof was damaged in storm last year. ☹️

Anyone here had their solar taken off and put back up?

In case any of you are interested, this is where I’m getting TC plantlets.

Some of these TC were so cheap I couldn’t resist. Like FOUR Monstera Thai Constellation for $30. And each one looks a little different! Plus trying an Alocasia Black Velvet variegated. But the main plant is a Monstera 'Yellow marilyn kunzo'

Well, I just bought more grow lights and humidity chambers because the tissue culture plantlets and anthurium seeds do not fit in my grow tent.

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🌻JB ❄️

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