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Age check: few things have unnerved me as much as when a phone company called me asking why I dialed 10,000 over the weekend.

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Age check: few things have unnerved me as much as when a phone company called me asking why I dialed 10,000 over the weekend.

I have degrees in Computer Science and Computer Engineering, yet....I've spent several hours today trying to grasp how my daughter's virtual academy stuff is organized.

BRB, need tequila. 🍻 😎

Yo, OS X or Windows for web programming.

Let's get to arguing, like right now. 😎

Outside of the obvious reason of paying to continue supporting CoSo/J35t3r, what's the perks of using Tusky (or any app) over web access?


I got off social media for a while, sort of, then came back to Twitter (etc.).

Quickly recalled why I also joined CoSo.

Everything else is a fake factory or hellscape.

@th3j35t3r Cough, I'm taking this Silence as you are:

1. Busy
2. Sort of flattered
3. Move forward with all haste
4. All of the above


Fair warning, I'm making a smartwatch (Gear S3) face in your likeness.

Nope, not putting on the market, just for moi.

This is why it's more important to be feared than loved!

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Niche Nietzsche ☣️🌋

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