Good morning CoSo. I put up a solar array, and we turned it on for the first time yesterday around 10:30 AM. In the six hours it was getting sunlight it met my house's needs, for the day, the following night with extra cached in battery or on grid. Looking forward to my first full day of energy independence! #greenenergy #climatechange
@wyrmeboi good plan
@wyrmeboi Wow! that's great!
@wyrmeboi this is my dream
@rpardee The Inflation Reduction Act restored the 30% federal tax rebate for installs in 2022 and for the next 10 years. There are likely state incentives available also. Last month's electricity bill was $305. SO I will save roughly $3600 per year. It's not a dream; it's an investment (if you plan to live in your house for a decade)!
@wyrmeboi I can't get a reputable solar company to call me back or meet with me.
@Pam60 It's tough to find contractors with availability. I signed the install contract about a year ago. These companies are working hard and hiring as fast as they can. It bodes well for America's commitment to mitigating #climatechange. Don't give up!
@wyrmeboi Awesome to hear. I have one going up (fingers crossed) in a few days and figured production would be meh at this time of year.
@wyrmeboi Very cool! My wooded lot is shady, so no solar for me.