* I'm not a runner, so it'll be more of a walk than a run, but it's still for a good cause!

Off to run* a 4-miler for the Musconetcong Watershed Assoc. in Asbury, NJ.

Good morning ☀️!

Smile. 😊
Choose to love. ❤️
Find pockets of peace. ☮️
Prioritize your happiness. 🥰

Hope you have a super Saturday and a fantastic weekend! ✨

Long shot question: Is anyone in the process of writing their memoirs or doing "legacy writing?" If so, would you be interested in exchanging work for mutual feedback?

Curious. Any INFJ friends here? Always so hard to find.

Demisexual. That word and its definition were created in 2006 but I just discovered it last year. I'm demisexual and it was a relief to learn that, as a male, there was a legitimate label other than 'unspontaneous,' 'nerdy' or even 'effeminate.'

I have Twitter and CoSo open side by side on my laptop, for comparison purposes. 🤔

@MysteryYear i see you, and welcome, glad you're here

here's a user guide, check at your leisure, or feel free to ask or reach out

Eyes open for friends from Twitter... or anywhere else, for that matter. 🌱 💚 🌱

We highly recommend new accounts reading the user’s guide. It answers so many of the questions I’m reading here. It’s long and it’s detailed but, you’ll appreciate its references on how to navigate here and make your experience less frustrating. Here’s the link 💜

I sorta feel like a real person here. Weird, right?

Another Twitter refugee, checking out alternative platforms. Just warming up to this interface and trying to find my way around. From NJ, but please don't hold that against me. 🌎 💙 ☮️

Bill of Writes

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.