It’s a cold morning and I’ve a huge pile of mulch that needs spreading

My husband keeps giving the blood hound beef jerky which gives her horrible gas.

Should I relocate blood hound's food, and blankets to his office instead of mine or just divorce him?


We recently left Texas. It was a great place to live before Abbott was elected.

He's trying to out crazy the Florida guy, Abbott thinks he'll be president.

He's turned the state into a slowly boiling pot. You can feel the tension. As a result the crazies are getting crazier and I don't see that Abbott has a way out other than to double down on his insane policies

When he makes his presidential run don't vote for him

Every time a child dies from gun violence, we should be allowed to tar and feather a member of the NRA.

It's primary day in my new state. Open primaries and paper ballots, that's a step up from the last state.

Cat just brought home one of those Terminix sticky papers with a snake stuck to it.

Amazingly cat did not glue itself to the sticky paper

On a brighter note, making more progress cleaning up the house we bought last fall

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