Dumb question I didn't think to ask before:
Is there no way to turn off dark mode here?

I'm realizing that's a subconscious factor keeping me away. The visual impact of this place is just depressing.

Sarah Swain invested into her community this past year by purchasing a local donut shop in the Brookside community of Tulsa. During that time, she already started making a positive impact with her customers and other local community events.

Recently, after opening her shop to an event promoting love and equality she was vandalized. Her front doors and windows were smashed and her register and electronic equipment stolen.


If it's annoying to decide who to vote for out of a number of candidates who don't thrill you; if you feel that, either way, you'll be compromising your principles by voting; then ask yourself this:

Imagine it's the morning after the election, and the results are coming in on the morning news.

Which result would lead you to shrug your shoulders and say "okay then" and go about your day?

And which one would make you want to crawl back under the covers and pretend the day never happened?

Everything you post, every interaction you engage in, is a vote and a model for the kind of community you want to be in.

Don't replicate the things that you came here to get away from. Create something new and better.

The attack on Paul Pelosi, while shocking, will likely not be the last attempt by these fucking crazy trumpers at violence. Especially now, with Musk owning Twitter and allowing much more violence-inciting rhetoric.
These ppl do not need a platform.

So GOP reps voted against COVID brain research? Weird, cause they usually jump at the chance to regulate body parts they don’t possess.

Morning thought experiment over coffee. Do you think it would be possible to, first of all, have an actual, calm conversation with a conservative somewhere; and if so, for them to point out *actual* legislation passed by Democrats that has directly harmed them personally? Obvs we can easily do so from our side. But I wonder how much the reverse is true, and how much is them reacting to what they THINK we might have done or will do someday.

Fuck celebrating the 4th of July.

Support women, LGBTQ groups, BLM and Ukraine instead.

What is even the point of having a constitution if The Supreme Court is just gonna pick and choose which parts that they like and don't like?

Postcards to Voters are friendly, handwritten reminders from volunteers to targeted voters giving Democrats a winning edge in close, key races coast to coast.


Just a fyi fascists really do not care about whether or not they’ve “earned the right” to call themselves fiscally responsible, pro-life, the party of logic, the party of individual liberty, you name it; they don’t care. Because in the end all they really care about is that you call them sir and avert your eyes.

I can’t understand why even one goddamn person on the planet still thinks it’s hyperbole when we say things like this. It’s not. What part of “supremacy” did you not hear?

For 76 years under the U.S. Constitution, slavery was legal in half the country and endorsed by the Supreme Court.

Abolitionists did not give up. They created societies. They distributed literature. They petitioned Congress, even when that Congress just threw their petitions away. They fought on the streets, in the courts, in the legislatures. They helped slaves cross state lines to achieve freedom. And at last, they fought on the battlefield, and freedom was achieved.

This Court has completely lost its legitimacy. This is a CRISIS, and it’s about time we ACT like it is!!

Norman Ornstein points out that “Congress can curtail (the Court’s) jurisdiction and more”…
I mean, good luck with *this Congress*, but STILL—let’s at least TALK about it!!
“We are moving closer and closer to a version of Hungary, but with the elements of a Wild West added in”…! 🎯 -also Norman

The DOJ should just hire the Producers of The Masked Singer because those people had no trouble booking Rudy Giuliani.

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