How is it that 6 months feels more like 6 minutes, but every week is actually a year?

I must need more coffee....


I missed you!

I logged off, and all of a sudden, several months disappeared....

Oh man... I took a month off?

Time for more coffee

Dear Coffee

Please cure my Monday



Oh, hey there! Haven't been on in a minute

Coffee is hot and fresh, ready to go!

It's only Tuesday...

This week has already been the longest year, ever

The Monday after a time change is the Moday-est of all Mondays


Working from home, which means good, fresh coffee, on demand!

I could get used to this...


Only Wednesday?

Pretty sure every day in February has actually been a Monday.

Paul Manafort pleaded Not Guilty, this morning, which sends his case to trial

Trial scheduled to start on September 27

TFW you start to pack up for the day, because you've been at work forever and it HAS to be quitting time, but then you realize it's only 2pm......


Last night's CNN Town Hall with Parkland FL students, local politicians, and NRA reps, was one of the most important things we've seen, in a long time.

If you missed it, PLEASE, take the time to go and watch the whole thing. It's worth every second

Monday's are much better when you turn them into Taco Tuesday

Extra bonus, now tomorrow is Taco Tuesday, part Two!

Chest deep in snow?

Mya doesn't care... just throw the frisbee, Human!

If anyone cares, you can find Mya on Instagram @myanadventures

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