#politics As a mother I will say it's hard for the young, insecure, inexperienced young men who do not understand the venom spit towards "white man" or "man" or "patriarchy". I had to explain to mine it's the supremacists, ultranationalists, hate groups, discriminatory systems. It's difficult to explain huge topics in 2 minutes for people who don't want to read which is what the far right capitalizes on giving people faux wisdom through memes.
@AnnetteTRemain I have had some success with holding attention by taking the approach of, when someone says, "Well, I don't get all this...", saying, "Yeah, that's how the system uses you. By making sure you don't get it." Then I can explain how someone who isn't actively doing these things can be misled into passively supporting it.
@weirdfizz that's a clever way to entice them to learn more.