
Happy pride, y'all! πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ When you're queer, you're family. πŸ’œ

If you're not out, you're still family. There are many valid reasons to stay quiet. You are still loved. We just have more family than we know.πŸ’œ

That includes queer military. We know you're there. We love you. πŸ’œ

@weirdfizz And just in case it needs to be said, we LGBT+ people don't just love other LGBT+ people. We also love our families, countries, communities, and people.

That's the thing about love. It gets bigger when you give it away as much as possible.


@AskTheDevil I'm thankful for my first lessons on love coming from watching Mister Rogers. He taught me to just love living beings because they exist.

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