I have realized that if you play a classical guitar like a ukulele, people who don't play either instrument will think your guitar playing is beautiful.
I may just start telling them it's a 6 string bass ukulele.
@weirdfizz To make it more believable, say Contra Bass Ukelele. I've got a Bass one and it's about the size of a viola. While a contra bass would be the size of a guitar.
@sentientdessert That's good information! It will intimidate my neighbors and they'll leave me alone!
@weirdfizz If you want some fun, look up a contra bass flute.
A classical nylon string also has a wider, flatter fingerboard, more space between strings, and that, in turn, makes both chording and single-line passages a bit easier. Proper playing position is important, though, to minimise fatigue and maximise accessibility.
Kudos to you for learning!
@XaoslordErie I remember being told Willie Nelson plays a classical guitar, and that's part of what gives him his recognizable style.
That's true. 'Trigger' is also a very old guitar as well, so the tonewoods are aged well and have a smooth, mellow sound.
I don't know how this would work with other acoustic guitars. Years ago, when I was trying to learn guitar, the classical guitar was recommended to me because I prefer fingerstyle over strumming. I just can't keep the chord formations for both instruments in my head, so I now play the guitar like a ukulele.