Stephen Miller, reincarnated Joseph Goebbels, will be speaking at Trump’s rally tomorrow at Madison Square Garden.
@Maude Plus ca change, plus c'etait le meme chose - as they might say in Vichy France.
Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden Feb. 20, 1939, billed as a "Pro American Rally"
@walterbays I thought of same thing.
It's my belief, this is the reason he's choosing the Garden.
that’s so gross tho
@peeppeepcircus @Maude In the 1930s the Nazis worked together with the KKK. My grandfather was a reporter who infiltrated them working on an expose. They kidnapped him and buried him alive.
(Ps, he survived)
@walterbays whoa!!! @Maude
@peeppeepcircus @Maude First thing he did after he was exhumed was rush to the newspaper office to work on his story. He didn't take warnings well.
I get it though. Damn that sounds like a good read.
@peeppeepcircus @Maude I never found his articles as the publisher didn't give bylines to low level reporters. But here's some related reading.
@peeppeepcircus @Maude My favorite Ameringer quote:
[Politics is] "the art by which politicians obtain campaign contributions from the rich and votes from the poor on the pretext of protecting each from the other."
@walterbays @Maude
oh that is brilliantly articulated!