Even had death threat on TW. I might be overly sensitive. But I don’t appreciate married men knocking at my door.
@LnzyHou @SpaceSlothForever Maybe I'm just old but I don't get the electronic hitting on women thing. Why, there's no way to meet L even if she lived nearby, no way to tell where she lives unless she posts it. There's no way to tell she's female, only that she has a photo of a female.
Yet I know it happens. 😥 Once in VR a guy approached me and suggested we go together to hit on a group of girls. Lord! We were cartoon avatars, as were they. I left that virtual world.
@LnzyHou @SpaceSlothForever Yuck!
An option to disallow DM seems like a good new feature.
On Facebook I often have women request to connect with me. Young. Could be my granddaughter. No clue how we might know each other. No posts on her timeline but selfies in various revealing costumes. But she's so taken with my witty and wise sayings that she wants to get close to me. She has a thing for old codgers. Why I'm flattered!
Ignore enough of them and the Algorithm finally sends fewer.