There are no laws in America governing how men and their doctors control their bodies.

For fuck sake women VOTE.

Just had a terrible scare. A B&W feral kitty hangs around my property. I just looked out and saw it on its side in the middle of the yard. Was afraid it was dead, but thankfully no, just napping in an unusual spot. Put food out, she tentatively came to eat it, and I saw she had an ancient flea collar on, so seems she was abandoned, poor thing. I opened the window, she started to run, but when I began talking, she sat and chattered back, so talkative! Will start putting food out every day.

I order a box of delicate Japanese wafer cookies from Amazon and they shipped it in a padded manila ENVELOPE. Why, Amazon, WHY?! I was looking forward to them and they got here smashed to smithereens, of course. I'll just be over here in the corner, eating my cookie dust. 🙁

Yesterday, the high temp was in the 80s, as it's been for weeks. Today, it's suddenly in the 60s and feels like an early day in spring. I thought it was strange last night when, wearing a thin sleeveless cotton nightgown, I took the dog out to pee at bedtime as I usually do and I was really cold. Inside where it was 66º, it was downright balmy by comparison. I don't even know what's happening. It usually stays hot as hell here until at least mid-October, then slowly cools.

Even being only partway through Fear, I'm already more afraid than I thought I'd be. What a frickin' horrorshow. And I'm not even up to the inauguration yet!

It's Twitter, yeah, but the responses to this status are totally worth the read. 😂😂😂

The sad when you go to make a sandwich and discover the slices of bread in the loaf you bought have more holes than Swiss cheese. 😟

The cats' reactions as they watch the prep of this are priceless. LOL The spun sugar part is the best (starts around 6:20), but the kitty riding in the basket on the way to the market at the very beginning of the video and the activation of the dry ice shortly after the spun sugar also made my day. 😻

Single twenty-something friend who lives alone told me she was exhausted from not having any days off for weeks and she was looking forward to just going home to Netflix and chill. I should probably tell her that doesn't mean what she thinks it means. 😂 This won't be the first time I've had to explain her own generation's slang to her.

Any Mac users here that might be able to tell me how I can preserve my Chrome bookmarks if I do an uninstall/reinstall?

One of the many dangers of being on my own is I go through long periods of thinking PB&J sandwiches for breakfast, lunch, and dinner qualifies as "taking care of myself," because at least I'm making myself eat SOMETHING.

Dedicating this to the writer of the OpEd. Not convinced they're actually our "friend," but if they're helping to prevent Crack Hitler from being worse than he already is and making him more paranoid that his own people are out to get him, it's better than nothing.

"Crack Hitler"

When you try to text your aunt a wildfire update saying that things look good, and accidentally wind up telling her thongs look good.

Fucking hell. Just got a phone call for a wildfire evacuation order for an area a short way down the road. Time to make sure I've got all my pet carriers ready to go.

If anyone's in need of a laugh right now, this'll do you a solid. 😂

Pets being hilarious jerks...

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