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First post from the . It's beautiful @th3j35t3r 😍😍 love it

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A Close Shave

A little old man walks into the barbershop for a shave and a haircut. He asks the barber, “Do you think you can get all my whiskers shaved off? My cheeks are so wrinkled from age.”

The barber gets a little wooden ball from a cup on the shelf and tells him to put it inside his cheek to spread out the skin.


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Vince boosted
Vince boosted
Vince boosted

The Night Agent is pretty damn good, that's it, that's the toot.

RIP a week off for my bday, guess I'm rewatching all of Harry potter

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Curse those attacking vulnerable LGBT+ youth, may they know no peace, may they wither and suffer, and may their lineage die.

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WTF Idaho...

Idaho's house just passed HB 675, by a vote of 55-13.

It would make providing gender affirming care to trans teens a felony with a life sentence.

It would also make leaving the state with your trans teen to move elsewhere and provide them with care a felony too.

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Vince boosted

Secret Service said that $100 billion were stolen from pandemic relief funds. Could be 4x as much

Govt handouts to the following sure were suspect

Catholic Church: $3.5 billion in PPP

Kanye West: $2-5 million in PPP

Joel Osteen: $4.4 million in PPP

Tom Brady: $960,855 in PPP

How much of our taxpayer funds were used to pay off sexual abuse claims?

“the true figure could be higher still thanks to other loans which were not registered in the latest data.”

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Vince boosted

Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody (8D AUDIO) (Ultra Quality) 🎧 via @YouTube

First post from the . It's beautiful @th3j35t3r 😍😍 love it

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Vince boosted

If you are interested in volunteering as a poll monitor, a social media disinformation watchdog, or helping voters understand their rights, here's a site that can help you connect to local volunteer opportunities:


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There is a picture of Obama golfing in Virginia on some right wing sites. Golf courses are still open in Virginia as long as golfers maintain social distancing. The hoopla is for naught. 🙄

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Vince boosted


If you look around and can't find much good,

make it happen.

Do it. Be it. Create it.

We all have that potential.


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