Anyone else just generally concerned that current and former leaders have been taking classified documents without any decent reason to?
Some people keep making excuses for their preferred "team", but this uh... this seems to be a sign of some deeper governmental problems in general.
@FreyaMeansLady I mean, everyone who isn't well off and guarded is worried about that, yeah. And it does really suck.
I try not to get so distracted by it that I let the potential transgressions of those who govern me go unnoticed. Corruption, or just bad governance, can lead to all the problems weighing us down right now getting even worse.
@KGinKS What a clown show it would be if everyone just happened to snag a few!
Pulleezz. Never in a million years would Obamas run such a loose ship. Trust me.
@tyote or it could be, that with Covid, people were working from home more, so they had to have documents with them. I don't see malice in Pence or Bidens handling of documents and they reported them as soon as they were found. TFG deliberately took boxes of docs and resisted returning them
@SeedSuccess That's a good point, at least for Pence - I'm pretty sure Biden's documents were from his time as VP before COVID, right?
There's no doubt that Trump's idiot behavior warrants a much more scathing investigation. But, I think if it comes out that there may be some negative security implications about what Biden or Pence had, accidentally or not, then they need to share the same scrutiny and face appropriate consequences.
@tyote to be completely honest, I'm surprised it took them this long to get caught, and I wonder if what happened with the orange glowstick prompted this.
Sick of “the staffers did it” excuse. Classified/top secret documents should not be stored with thousands of pages of regular files. Period.
@LnzyHou Agree completely. If you can prove it was staffers, hold them accountable too. If you can't, it's just a convenient scapegoat/distraction.
Sick of excuses.
@tyote honestly? No. I'm much more concerned with not being able to afford food or possibly getting shot as I go about my daily activities. I don't have any room to worry about classified documents. Plus it's kind of interesting how Trump would have them and then Biden would have them and then Pence would have them.