Mel R. boosted

GDANSK (Reuters) - One-way flights out of Russia were rocketing in price and selling out fast on Wednesday after President Vladimir Putin ordered the immediate call-up of 300,000 reservists.

Mel R. boosted

we need help down here in Florida. The GOP,Florida Power and Light, and over 40 billionaires have turned this state into an oligarchy with Desantis as its leader. all this shit he's doing is for 2024 as he'd like to take his version of trumpism and roll it out to all of you on a national scale. the magas down here are frothing at the mouth to vote for him and own the libs. help Crist put an end to this guy's career.

Hey , I have a young lady with 2 small children struggling right now. No electricity, no transportation, and Temps tomorrow will be 101°. Can anyone help out?

My 7-year-old had his first football game today. Last week's was rained out. Our community center teams played a county school district with paid coaches, better equipment, and a huge indoor training center. They had 3x the players, meaning separate offense and defense players. Our 11 boys played iron-man football. It was over 90°. They lost 28 to 14, but I'm SO proud of them.

Mel R. boosted
Mel R. boosted

Remember, this lying sack o' shit used to be a Brig. General in the U.S. Army...
His lack of disclosure - which violates federal election laws - stops voters from seeing who OWNS him; something he wants to keep hidden until after the general election:

"...last submitted a candidate financial disclosure in '21, has yet to file one for '22, meaning voters can't review details about his most up-to-date income, investments, employment, & debts."

This is actually the clip I meant to post. He reminds me of the kid from Little Giants. 🤣

Mel R. boosted

more than 30% of the voters newly registered in this year are under 25.

GEN Z is on the move. and they're progressive.

so, , here's your chance: get elected, and then stand and deliver. otherwise gen Z will vote YOU out for more progressive candidates.

Mel R. boosted

Those arrested DeSantis' voter fraud crackdown were registered and were sent voter cards. The government told them they could vote, so they voted

One man was arrested by armed SWAT team at 6 a.m. He was in his underwear and was taken to jail that way

DeSantis is violating peoples civil rights simply for political reasons.

Mel R. boosted

The Cook Political Report has shifted the open Pennsylvania Senate race from Toss Up to Lean Democrat.

This high-profile ratings change reflects that Democrat John Fetterman is emerging as the favorite over Republican Mehmet Oz.

Mel R. boosted

I want ONE Republican to explain to me how it is okay with them that Mehmet Oz is a shareholder in his wife's family business & that same family business paid the largest fine in ICE history ($95M) for bringing & hiring over 3,000 "illegal immigrants" in Pennsylvania.

Remember the movie Little Giants? This is my 7-year-old. 🤣

Mel R. boosted


"Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador."

And that was while he was still in the White House, still finding his little traitor feet.

It's been four weeks, and I still love my job. Better yet, I finally get my first paycheck Monday. 🥳

Mel R. boosted
Mel R. boosted

I love the new job so far. I'm in week 4 and finally will get a paycheck Monday. Whoo-hoo! My kids started 1st grade on the 1st. My 7-year-old started football practice with a local youth outreach, and his sister started cheer practice. I feel like a huge weight has lifted from me. I hope life is going as well for all of you. ❤️

Mel R. boosted

hey gang! say hello to ! 1 confirmed case of “unvaccinated young adult” in rockland county, ny, about 20 miles nw of nyc. he’s recovered & out of hospital.

i didn’t get a smallpox vax in early 60s because i had skin allergies & pediatrician was concerned about the egg used in vax preparation. a few years later, routine smallpox vaxxing was discontinued. now i’m concerned. good thing i’ve gotten used to this staying home, going nowhere way of life. thx covid!

Mel R. boosted


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Mel R.

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