@JeniRizio i feel ya! My old one went via telehealth and I can't stand that. I had to get a new one and I have to a month as well. Sucks.
@tw33k Thank you. I like telehealth with the option to see them in person should I need it. I hear ya. Some people need to see someone in person, esp if they don't have access to privacy at home.
@JeniRizio @tw33k Getting the right therapist can be a journey. Well worth the effort but it does take a lot of time to “sift” through. (((💙))) for you and privacy
@ACG2 @tw33k my god yes! And my last one was awesome! I was under the impression that she had trained the therapists on trauma before she had left to start the new mental health respite center. I guess not. I said I was going to call her and my now ex-therapist said she was no longer with the company! I asked where she went, x-therapist goes "I dunno." I said, oh, like in radio when people change markets, she's like "no, I really don't know where she went." SMH
@JeniRizio @tw33k Y…Google and linked in searches are really good to find people who have moved jobs.
@JeniRizio @ACG2 love the Python reference. LoL!! Sorry to hear though.
@tw33k @ACG2 Thank you. :) It's a great show, the movies too.