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my new headphones! I got them FREE with my Amazon cash back. I didn't even realize I had any to spend! I just happened to be playing around in my accounts, seeing how to save money, dropping channels, etc and found that I had this credit. I have $11 left! yay!

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Folks, - After the herculean effort to get COSO up, in a severe twist of ironic fate nobody can go PRO right now - it's a certificate thing.

I'll fix it tomorrow.

Welcome new users!

Err, anyone else catch the president twitting "Soooo many Sanctuary areas want OUT of this ridiculous, crime infested & breeding concept"

That is the first time that I've seen something that screams white supremacist. Everything else I could chalk up to incompetence, general stupidity or standard racism. But "breeding"?!?

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Years of treatment in the shadows and I can finally step into the sun.

For years no one believed how miraculous it is with PTSD. Said I just want to get stoned. Said I should just try more exercise. Wondered why excruciating, $500 a month treatment (not including prescriptions) for the rest of my life wasn't really an option.

My medical cannabis card came today. I've cried for about an hour now, but its a good cry :)

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RT @[email protected]: My daughter went to a laser quest birthday party yesterday. She set her username to “a girl”. I asked why she didn’t pick ‘bloodstone’ or ‘skull-crusher’ and she said, “So every time I zapped a boy they’d know it was a girl that took them out.”

Proud Dad.

This isn't terrifying at all >.>

'Intentional' event redirects cloud traffic from Apple, Google & others through Russia


Ok, this is awesome and from the twit(lets hope I haven't mangled the formatting :p ):

Some facts about Robert Mueller:

-Princeton graduate
-Decorated Marine
-Prosecuted the Gambino family
-Longest-serving FBI Director
-17 ft tall -Made of old machine gun barrels
-Saw James Comey being born breach, ordered him to march back up the birth canal and come out properly


Seen on the twit:

Those Moore Prayers did not work. We looked into the problem: "Prayer Delivery System" <FakeChristian@Hypocrite.**m> Subject: failure notice No such God Holy Connection timed out
Angelic Resources temporarily unavailable
Out of memory ( Kushner keeps praying)


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Reporter: 'What do you think of Western Civilization?'
M.K. Gandhi: 'I think it would be a good idea.'

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@bluesbaby Yep it's me, I'm workin on the production server right now lol

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Oliver Willis

"Mr President, an ANTIFA black lives matter deep state agent tried to storm the residence"
"Omg, who?"
"Omarosa, sir"
"My God, I've known her for many years"
"Deep state surrounds us, Mr President"
"Well done agent Omarosa. Hail hydra."
"Hail hydra, sir." t.co/6r0dHnHKaL


Jennifer Hudson doing Burden Down last night was mind blowing.

She effortlessly does stuff that others wouldn't attempt. As vocalists & performers go, she never ceases to amaze me.


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"As users migrate to these closed systems, they’re also shifting away from the type of broad-based algorithmic feeds packed with news and media content that were the hallmark of first-generation social media."

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