BQ.1.x Omicron subvariants escapes immunity - natural and vax (neutralization shown to decrease by 7 times compared to BA,5 in pre-print study)
Meet the Mutants deep dive 3:50-17:10
prePrint Study detail - Serology design
prePrint Study - findings of BQ.1.x immunity escape
prePrint Study - conclusion of vax escape by new Omicron subvariants now becoming dominant
@tmstrickl_tim thank you for posting this. Informative and helpful.
@Bliss my pleasure - thx for the kind words
@tmstrickl_tim my takeaway, masks are still needed especially now around children.
We need a hashtage for informative medical posts like these so others can find them easily. I propose #medscience or #medicine. I leave this to the medical professionals in #CoSo
prePrint Study detail - neutralization assay per variant