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Been a minute CoSo. Hope everyone is good 💙
Some for a little variety.

Orbital - Otono

One more, one more. The sky’s had a lot to say tonight.

Summer skies. This is perhaps a cloud appreciation account from here on. 🌩

Thunder so loud it’s setting off car alarms. I love it.

Neighborhood deer are getting a little too comfortable, perhaps. (And yes I pspsps’d her to get this shot.)

rez boosted


There's never a wrong time for some El-P and Killer Mike doing what they do best.

"Legend Has It" - Run The Jewels

(Not always, but sometimes, when things aren’t going so hot, the only remedy is really loud guitars and/or fuck-ugly beats. )

Broken Note - Black Mirror

Not bad not bad.

(I love that there are so many trees in this town, but makes the good spots for open sky pics few & far between.)

This is maybe dumb, I’m sure it’s broken, but I’ve looked at that fkn amp like three times now, it’s consuming me.

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