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Hilsen Lars Kristiansen again my friends❤️
I haven't had an opportunity to log in here tonight, had to work the late shift and I have to start work at 6 AM😭
So I just dropped by to wish everyone a good night when you go to bed 🌛
See you call tomorrow😊


In terms of how disruptive it is, then how long people are ill is a big deal.

I haven't read anything clear about that how long people are infectious after they show symptoms...but it's got a 2-week+ incubation period (as long as 24 days) when people are infectious but asymptomatic.

According to this, though, it's currently considered slightly more infectious than the common seasonal flu.

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You have to tell me if I post to much‼️
I so I apologize😔
It's not my intention to "spam” your timelines.

Were am I?

Okay, just to be clear...*I* know where I am. 😁😉✈ unless we start talking about the Big Picture, then I'm not so sure most of the time.

You have to tell me if I post to much‼️
I so I apologize😔
It's not my intention to "spam” your timelines.

@third_eye That is a pretty good definition. However, that would be lost on many Americans.
They like talk radio slogans like "taking money from people that worked for it and giving it to people who don't deserve it"

Yeah. I'm more of an actual Socialist, but I'd be satisfied with Democratic Socialism. It's still pretty awesome.


If you are born underprivileged in the US, you don't have a chance to reach the ”American Dream”😔

It is a system that attempts to harness the positive aspects of both socialist and capitalist political economy for the welfare of the citizenry.
Of course, we don't for the welfare of the citizenry. a perfect system, many things can be and should be improved, but after studying @ucla and living all over the US for 10 WONDERFUL years, I saw with my own eyes that the @GOP has fucked up the whole political system.

The “Nordic model” of governance is a melding of free-market economics with a comprehensive welfare state. At its core, it champions individualism and upward mobility. It facilitates independent business ownership, prioritizes private property, and propels free trade.
At the same time, it allows for collective-bargaining rights at the national level and entails frameworks for free, high-quality, universal education and health care.

Many political scientists here on twitter has been warning about he's willing to follow the autocrat’s handbook.
”Donald Trump Could Try To Cancel 2020 Election By Citing Phony ‘Plot,’ Ex-Federal Prosecutor @glennkirschner2 Warns!!

I live in Oslo, Norway and I'm a Democratic Socialist.

”Difference between socialism and democratic socialism. ”Social democracy is a political, social and economic philosophy that supports economic and social interventions to promote social justice within the framework of a liberal democratic polity and a capitalist-oriented economy”

@Beanc This is so fucking wrong!
The wife of a Trump-supporting conservative SUPREME COURT Judge compiling a “deep state” hit list is beyond SCARY‼️ Imagine if RBG's partner had done something like this! The fucking @GOP would have a collective heart-attack!
And would have called for endless investigations!! This is just the beginning things are going to get a LOT WORSE‼️😡
But if we stick together we can keep the republic✊

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