Pinned post

If you like the music I post here, I save it in a public YouTube Music playlist. I don't know if you need to be a subscriber or what but here's a link below. Currently over 6 hours of mostly alternative stuff I like. Super duper mix tape!

Pinned post

If YouTube links don't show up as embedded playable little screens for anyone, here is what I do:
1) Click the Settings icon on the Community firehose
2) Click the toggle switch for Media Only (turn on)
3) Click the toggle switch for Media Only again (turn off)

Voila! Now they show up. You can close the settings now. It's just something I've figured out.

Tomorrow the cat sleeps an hour later. Best ever. (Of course, wake up time will work itself back to normal unholy hour in due course, but hey)

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Thinman's Cat 🐱

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