@thewebrecluse Morning, Etaine. I'll reserve the 'good' part until more folks wake up and we see what kind of trouble arises! 😉
@attilatheblond Well I'm awake and ALIVE and not in pain so for me it's already good. 👍🏾
@thewebrecluse Glad to hear it! Sadly, I am so old that only one of those items works anymore. LOL
@attilatheblond Still GOOD in my opinion 😆
@attilatheblond I'm a practicing stoic since 2007 so 😂 You won't find much by way of faith in people ... only absolute realism ❤️
@thewebrecluse Love those who keep it real. I never asked for much at all in life, but have always known I deserve honesty. It's a rare and beautiful treasure. So good to meet a practitioner.