welcome to Miami....insane firefight between police and suspect with AK at airport twitter.com/BNONews/status/104

Definitely several ambulances have transported casualties

UPDATE: Mass Police have updated their map pinpointing locations of explosions and fires. That's 60+ structures, so far.

i am impressed how organized the response and equipment allocation is

"60-100 HOMES ON FIRE IN THE MERRIMACK VALLEY RIGHT NOW. MULTIPLE INJURIES - per Methuen Police Chief at the command center @bo"

saw rumors about an upgrade Columbia gas was doing today. Screencap from their site. Have not been able to find it myself

this Boston situation is nuts. if this is a hack then it is possible act of war. 60 fires confirmed

active shooter westchester medical center ny

Maybe I am wrong here but imo sharing screenshots from CoSo elsewhere is not cool

I really wish I was a political cartoonist. I would love to make a cartoon with Michael Cohen dressed as a giant Uncle Sam and SDNY and Mueller and crew as tiny little men tying him up and pulling him down in Gulliver's Travel style.

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