1/2: It's wild to me that a lot of the folks who scream "Power to the People!" the most are the ones most looking to be led by one or a handful of people. They threaten torches and pitchforks and all manner of... things and... stuff, and then it's just crickets.
They do sign a lot of petitions, though. And "spread awareness"... to their friends and acquaintances on social media. Oh, and they flame TF out of people... on Twitter. (I mean they really show them what's up.)
The catch is that...
3/2: ...met with such requests to put up or shut up, they shut up after saying that while someone does need to DO something, it really SHOULD be the government or "the rich". (If you want specific, real-world examples, I have them for you from my own personal experience library. No "studies say" or other theoretical horseshittery.)
#neurallyatypical #actuallyautistic #residentalien #theweirdkid
2/2: ...the rubber never really seems to ever meet the road, not unless there's someone rallying them from up top, like way up top, preferably Washington, DC or a political celebrity. They don't tend to do the groundwork on their own. That's my experience and observation over the decades, and it's also that they are loathe to pitch in with local-level, grassroots actions that put their professed politics to work, such as materially helping the poor, elderly, homeless, and disabled. When...