1/2: Part of my #AspieLife is that once I figure out the pattern of something -- I don't mean kinda figure it out or have a good bead on it but rather can, as the saying goes, call things coming before they're over the horizon. -- it takes serious effort for me to continue playing with it enthusiastically, as I'm quite liable to go find something else I don't know much about. That said, I won't necessarily ditch it completely. I'm too much about associational thinking and connections to ever...
2/2: ...do that. *That* said, I am quite prone to revisiting old stuff as I learn more about other things and their relationships, however oblique, to the old stuff. The point isn't the excitement per se but, for lack of a better way of putting it, I want to know as much as I can about everything I can. It's all about the exploring and finding jumping off points to new niftinesses, and for me, it's all play and always has been.
Yep. I am #theweirdkid.
#neurallyatypical #actuallyautistic