2/2: ...independently verifiable documentary evidence from multiple sources that I do supply them on the spot, and they say they're all false without having examined them at all. They even dismiss my first-hand accounts of experiences as lies or as errors in perception.
All of this happened prior to social media and is not remotely unique to it, and it doesn't happen uniquely or even predominantly with any particular demographic or combinations thereof. It's simply humans.
3/2: I'm not saying that I'm not and/or cannot be incorrect, wrong, inaccurate, or misinformed, because I know I can be. I've seen me do it.
I'm saying intransigence, ego, pride, insecurity, emotionalism, etc., not to mention charlatanry, are and always have been problems. They are a very old and very familiar haunt on the ol' double-helix.
#neurallyatypical #actuallyautistic #residentalien #theweirdkid