@thedisasterautist Stop hounding me for sex with your likes and comments! 🤣
@awnaves: Frequently that's about what I'm told. I wish I was kidding about that, too.
@awnaves: I once left a "Way to go!" on a woman's post on IG, because she was back at the gym after recovering from ACL surgery. She immediately replied with "You don't have a chance with me, grandpa! You creep!" and reported me for harassment. (It was a public post that the algorithm gave me because #kneesurgery, and that was our only interaction ever. We were total strangers.)
IRL, I've saw a guy's sharp haircut and beard, and it was similar to mine but better. He saw me and recoiled and...
@awnaves: ...shouted across the barbet shop, "What're you lookin' at, fag! I don't have nothin' to do with your kind!" The barber, who I've known for years, told him to calm down and don't act up like that in the place, and the guy went on a tirade about "gay guys always tryin' out on me" and such.