@CdnChrisCo: That's easier to accomplish in a 91% ethnically homogenous (Finnish) nation of only 5.54 million people and of size of slightly less than 313,000 sq. mi.
The US, on the other hand, isn't as ethnically homogeneous, is also made up (still) of 50 smaller states, has 332 million people who do *not* get along all that well or agree on (it seems) most things, even the simplest, and is just under 3,800,000 sq. mi. in size, not to mention almost completely geo-isolated.
@CdnChrisCo: Also, a democracy does in no way necessitate that there should be no private schools. It could certainly be put to vote, of course, which is democracy.
The mingling of federal eduction dollars going to private schools is certainly ridiculous, but that's Florida, and sadly, that's what their elected state government decided to do. A SCOTUS decision left the decision to the states about that, of course. That's democracy as well, alas.
The definition of a democracy is the practice or principles of social equality
not seeing any principal of equality here. You?
The states is a nation of the haves and the have nots, where tax revenues are routinely co-opted by the greedy and bad actors, as opposed to ensuring equity in the fundamentals of life such as an education
Private schools are about capitalism, not democracy. A distinction frequently thought as the same by many americans fr decades of gaslighting
@CdnChrisCo: The notion that democracy means social equality is silly, regardless if it's in a dictionary or not. What happens when enough of a population votes to fuck over a demographic in its own borders? That democracy is a practice of greater social equality only applies to those in that democracy who want that outcome.
Ancient Greece was a direct democracy. Women and slaves couldn't vote. Women could vote in Greece until later WW2. Heck, they couldn't vote here for most of US history.
I live in a social democracy. There are dozens of nations that are social democracy's.
Read the preamble
The central claim that “all men are created equal” had profound implications for the American regime of liberty. The “self-evident truth” of human equality meant that humans had equal natural rights, equally gave their consent to create a republican government, had equal dignity, and were equal under the law
That is not what America is