I want the complete list of every person in Congress that had to pay someone off for harassment or discrimination. The $ amount, not who was paid. I also want to know where in every budget the $ came from. Lets use a round number, say the last 50 years. I wonder if there are any journalists working on this?
@thechriskidd "all the public knows is that since 1997, Congress has paid more than $17 million to settle scores of workplace claims from a special Treasury Department fund created by the 1995 law." If there were serial offenders, that would be of even greater interest, but Congress... currently polices itself. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2017/11/27/sexual-harassment-fund-exposes-congress-editorials-debates/898008001/
@thechriskidd Conyers paid out of his own office's budget, so payments may be hidden. Here are the dollar amounts per year from the Office of Compliance. 2002 & 2007 were busy. I think Congress has to pass a law to provide more data that this. https://www.compliance.gov/sites/default/files/2017.11.16%20Awards%20And%20Settlements%20Appropriation.pdf