Teengee boosted

Two high school girls came up with a proof for the Pythagorean theorem using trigonometry in a matter of weeks… no one has done this in 2000 years.


how does a change in gravity affect the period of a torsional pendulum?

@Alfred what is the magnitude of the affect the lunar gravity could have on a torsional pendulum?

@Alfred does the phase of the moon affect the period of a torsional pendulum?

Teengee boosted

If the MAGAt GQP wants to roll things back...
Let's start with killing Citizens United and pull corporate and PAC money out of our system?
Then, start by returning corporate tax rates to what they were pre 1980...
And go from there... Back to the 50s with corporate taxes...

Reinstitute non taxation of Social Security benefits...

And force Congress to pay back the TRILLIONS they stole from SSI...

That's a set of reactionary issues I can get behind...

@Alfred is a laser able to capture an image of a fingerprint?

Teengee boosted

We have a launch scheduled for today at 6:04 PM EST. The payload is a Swedish geostationary broadband-internet satellite.

Sunset launches are always spectacular.

elonmusk5 has shown up.
How long will he last?

I saw a sign today.
You have probably heard this before.
Do gun manuals have troubleshooting instructions?

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