@thewebrecluse And the people who can comfortably live in denial (including minimising, eg "it's not that bad" or "lighten up, these are just jokes") about this are *not* helping anything!
The "not all men" folks are out in force with this bear-vs-man thing.
But also...I have to believe that some people are, as they say where I used to live, catching a wake-up.
@sumpnlikefaith If there is one truth that confirms the realism I tend to focus on ... it's that the world doesn't get better in the hands of white men ... it gets worse. We are literally going very quickly to hell in a handbasket and white men will succeed in destroying everything. Thinking otherwise is just delusion. They don't want to change and they don't care about anything but themselves ... from as high as the government to as low as the troll online. They're all the same destroyers.
@sumpnlikefaith I'm a realist so I know it doesn't really do anything except drive a wedge between people. No one wants to face reality or truth which is why men are so angry about it. They will never learn any lessons from it. If men wanted to change or were capable of change ... we wouldn't be where we are now.