I don't *want* to leave coso.
I probably *won't* leave coso.
I *am* giving it very careful consideration and if I come to the conclusion that I *need* to leave coso, I'll do it the very best way I can, by setting a date and sticking to it in order to say proper goodbyes and make outside connections where necessary.
You're probably stuck with me though 🤣
I know.
I have to do what's right for me and staying is probably it but I am having a long hard look at myself at the moment. It may be that I need to be off *all* SM altogether. Makes being a musician a bit tricky though.
@stueytheround I don't know what's happened and I'm not prying or trying to find out. I'll say this though, I'd rather focus on what I'm doing and mute distractions for a while than cut everything out and go stir crazy. But that's just me 👍
@BillyBones Mmhmm. Just had a big reality check is all, which while related to my earlier convo with Daniel, was nothing to do with the words spoken between us.
I'm feeling very vulnerable at the moment.
@stueytheround Blessings to you my good friend! 💕@BillyBones