I think it's weird that Americans aren't allowed to go to Cuba. Like...why can't free citizens go visit anywhere they want? That country is so fd.

Sat agenda: clean clean clean, get ready for Banff tomorrow, make tortillas, nap.

What are you up to?

Happy Monday, CoSo!!! I'm determined to have a good week. 🌻🌻🎆

God I've been nauseous for 3 days. This blows.

Pro tip for project managers: when you're on a 70hr week w multiple deadlines, remember to not drink water. Dehydration takes the time you'd spend peeing and gives it back to your project. 😂

Does anyone have the base Saje body butter recipe? Want to try to duplicate it for myself. Thanks. 💜

V anxious for the Affordability Payments announcement today. I think 20 will end up getting an extra $200/mo for a while. That's a big difference for someone on

“OMG YOU’VE BEEN GONE 8 MINUTES- I thought I was going to STARVE TO DEATH without you”

— pup

Staying is difficult tonight, friends. I'm aware of what the triggers are, just need to ride them out.

I slept 7 hours. My mind is sharp and my body groggy. Is this what the opposite of feels like?! It's kinda groovy.

Occasionally, I am grateful for OSDD because it allows me to keep functioning after a v hard day. But one day...one day, I will not need to dissociate.

In the meantime, today is about work, favorite foods, tea, reassuring books, etc. Gentle self care. I'm learning.

Did you know Canada has a $1 million dollar coin? It's called The Big Maple Leaf.


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