Finally an app! (Thanks for the hard work, seriously)

Gotta get Australia on the signal alert :o

seems appropo to sign off with a song here - night yall and thanks for the warm welcome

@USAPatriot @Kronykal @th3j35t3r
As a Flint, Michigan native whose entire fam is republican, former Marine, and current independent near DC ... I once sided with republicans on the majority of things when they were fiscal hawks and stood for something. Not sure I'll ever be able to side with them again, though. Their current posturing is atrocious

Serious Qs that come to mind now that I've finally jumped ship to CoSo: 1)What happens when Trump is gone? I planned to quit Twitter after that, but CoSo isn't a cesspool 🤷‍♂️ I already feel like I want to stay 2)I consider myself and independent and have for a while, but Rage Against the Machine is coming right before the election and everyone is complaining about them putting food on the table for their family (tix prices). Profits != corporate greed. Shld I still go and will I last here?

I already like this better than twitter because dark-theme > everything

sql & bourbon

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.