Colin boosted

"..don't want hear anything other than orderly transition.."

stay tuned

Colin boosted
Colin boosted

Your goal isn't to beat someone down and have them cringe in submission to your superior intellect. Your goal is to make them feel good about themselves, and feel that they're all the better, indeed, much more themselves, for having changed their minds. Don't set yourself up as an enemy or opponent whose victory means their loss. Make the end of the discussion a win-win situation for you both.

We were unsurprised to find, yet again, that fundamentalism was just fascism in its Sunday best.

Colin boosted

Hi friends! I'm Colin from Michigan—queer municipal civil servant, folk musician, and general enthusiast with a ton of half-baked hobbies.

Looking forward to chatting with you all about politics/philosophy, social justice, motorcycles, writing, media, and personal growth.

Colin boosted

If anyone is able to help carry the financial burden for Jester please do. Your information isn't sold here so we all need to stand up and help carry the load when able.

Colin boosted

All Newcomers…
Welcome to CoSo 😊
Here is the User Guide:

Some suggestions:. Check out the profile of @realDDGlover for lists of Hashtags for interests. Just click ID and it will open on right-hand column. Scroll down through lists. Hashtags are explained on page 7 of the Guide above. Page 5 of the Guide tells how to change your AVI from an egg to an image of your choice.
Also, we love pet/animal pics.

Super hoping this place goes off because I am not about that musk life.


CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.