Good morning, everyone!
If you're new here, welcome! Check out the user guide when you get the chance:
It'll help you settle into the brave new world that is safe, sanitized social media.
Highly recommend checking out @realDDGlover's profile, as well. They maintain a list of hashtags you can use to set up your feed's pins. Keep in mind you can group multiple hashtags to a single feed to isolate as many pertinent conversations as possible per topic!
@SDuffy @realDDGlover I'm not sure if there's a way to do that or not, as I quite like the dark mode. A cursory check through the preferences section didn't show a way to turn it off, though. Hopefully others can be more helpful there, sorry :(
@sleepingbearcat @realDDGlover I was looking through the user guide and the settings to see if there's a way to alter the display. The more traditional black letters on white background is more comfortable for those of with visual sensitivities. Couldn't find it. Any suggestion?